Monday, May 30, 2016

Manziel goes missing in New York

Manziel goes missing in New York

Johnny Manziel goes missing in New York,2016
Johnny Manziel

Unemployed quarterback Johnny Manziel recently arrived in New York for reasons entirely unrelated to attempting to become something other than an unemployed quarterback. According to the Page Six of the New York Post, Manziel has now gone missing.

In a short blurb posted at the Page Six microsite, Manziel was supposed to take a helicopter to the Hamptons on Saturday, where he would be hosting a small party for friends and family. He reportedly didn’t show for the flight.

The night before, Manziel reportedly was confronted in Manhattan by the owner of the Mercedes in which Manziel was a passenger when it crashed into a pole and sustain serious damage last month. Manziel supposedly promised to reimburse the owner for the vehicle, but Manziel reneged.

“Straight punk. Straight punk. Straight bitch,” Wayne Schneider told TMZ after blocking a vehicle in which Manziel was riding outside the Trump Soho.

For weeks, Manziel’s situation gradually has developed an ominous vibe. Hopefully, he’ll get things straightened out before that feeling comes to fruition.


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